Arve Henriksen is one of the top Norwegian trumpet players of the moment. He is probably better know among the electronic ambient crowd for his bands Supersilent and Deathprod, in which he plays with electronics/sampling artists Helge Sten and Ståle Storløkken, just as he does on this one. He is more jazz-oriented with his band Veslefrekk (recommended), but he has also performed and recorded with amongst others Dhafer Youssef. I found his previous solo CD Chiaroscuro a little disappointing, but honestly speaking this is not really my kind of music. But then again. I love the immense sadness of this music, I love the sounds he manages to get out of his instrument. Ok, they are electronically changed, and yet... Henriksen brings soundscapes with minimal rhythmical or melodic support, which tend to be repetitive if present at all. These are dreamy, melancholy, beautiful sounds, well-played by Henriksen and excellently produced.

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