Power and finesse is possibly the best denominator for these three musicians: they are fierce with a gentle touch, wild with precision, furious with elegance, passionate with calculation. Andrew Cyrille on drums and Henry Grimes on bass are among the most renowned free jazz rhythm sections, standing at the cradle of the genre, here inviting British saxophonist Paul Dunmall for a trio live performance at the New York Vision Festival in 2008. From the very start, it is clear that the audience turns this trio into a quartet, shouting enthusiastically after each piece, applauding after solos, shouting in between, in permanent interaction with the musicians. This is an improvised live date as you might expect, lots of ideas, pieces moving in various directions, the lack of style being balanced out by the directness of the performance, with the sound quality not always right, but that heightens the atmosphere of the date. It is nice enough, and good that is was recorded, and a nice addition to the extensive catalogues of all three musicians, but it is not exceptional either.
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