I am not a specialist in angels, so I checked the internet to verify where all these angels keep coming from, wondering whether Zorn kept inventing names, what their characteristics are, and what their number is. From the list below, and the overview of all Book of Angels albums, you can see that
- some of the Masada song book angels do not figure in the list I found
- the Masada song book has not yet reached a third of the existing angels.
Stolas, the one that is the title for this album, is again a fallen angel, a commander of twenty-six legions of demons and he teaches astronomy (?!). The same angel may have several small changes in its names, depending on the tradition (jewish, christian, muslim). Stolas, is also Solas as listed below. Volac is the same as Valac in the list below, etc.
So, like it or not, there is potentially still a lot to come if Zorn wants to cover the whole list with songs. Also interesting to notice is that the songbook luckily covers as many, if not more, of the fallen angels, than of the good-natured ones. I have some natural sympathy for the fallen angels.
List of Good-natured Angels
- Abasdarhon - angel of the fifth hour of the night.
- Abraxos - ancient name attributed to an angel.
- Adnachiel - angel who rules November.
- Adonael - an archangel .
- Adonai - one of seven angels of the presence, or elohim; creator.
- Aeshma - Persian archangel.
- Af - angel of light.
- Agla - angel who saved Lot and his family.
- Akriel - angel who aids those with infertility.
- Amitiel - angel of truth.
- Amriel - angel of the month of May.
- Anael - angel influencing love, passion and sexuality.
- Anapiel - angel whose name means "branch of God."
- Anahel - angel who rules the third heaven.
- Anpiel - angel who protects birds.
- Ansiel - name of an angel known as "the constrainer."
- Arael - variation of Uriel; prince over the people.
- Araqiel - angel with dominion over the earth.
- Araton - one of seven ruling angels over the provinces of heaven.
- Ariel - "lion of God;" angel of protection.
- Armisael - angel of the womb.
- Asariel - "whom God has bound;" rules the moon.
- Asroilu - guardian angel of the seventh heaven.
- Astanphaeus - one of the seven angels of the presence; third gate guardian.
- Asteraoth - name of an angel who thwarts power.
- Atrugiel - great prince of the seventh heaven.
- Ayil - angel of the zodiac sign Sagittarius.
- Azbogah - name of the high ranking angel of judgment.
- Azrael - archangel of death.
- Azriel - name for the angel of destruction.
- Balthioul - angel with the power to thwart distress.
- Baradiel - angel of hail.
- Barakiel - angel of lightning.
- Barrattiel - angel of support.
- Barbiel - angel of October.
- Bariel - ruling angel of the eleventh hour of the day.
- Barman - angel of intelligence.
- Barquiel - ruling angel of the seventh hour of the day.
- Baruchiel - angel with power over strife.
- Bath Kol - female angel of divine prophecy.
- Bazazath - archangel of the second heaven.
- Bethor - one of seven ruling angels of the province of heaven.
- Briathos - name of an angel who thwarts demons.
- Cahethal - seraphim angel over agriculture.
- Camael - angel name that means "he who sees God;" chief angel of powers.
- Cassiel - angel of Saturn.
- Cerviel - angel ruler of the principalities.
- Chamuel - archangel whose name means "he who seeks God."
- Chayyliel - angel whose name means "army;" a powerful angel.
- Cochabiel - angel prince who stands before God.
- Dabriel - angel of the first heaven who rules over Monday.
- Dagiel - angel who has dominion over fish.
- Dalquiel - angel prince of the third heaven.
- Damabiath - angel of naval construction.
- Dardariel - ruling angel of the eleventh hour.
- Diniel - angel who protects infants.
- Domiel - angel who guards the sixth hall of the seventh heaven.
- Dubbiel - guardian angel of Persia; name means "bear-God."
- Duma - angel prince of dreams.
- Dumah - angel of silence.
- Eae - angel who thwarts demons.
- Eiael - angel with dominion over the occult sciences.
- Elyon - ministering angel who brought the plague of hail upon Egypt.
- Emmanuel - angel whose name means "God with us."
- Erathaol - one of seven great archon angels.
- Eremiel - great angel who presides over the Abyss and Hades.
- Gabriel - archangel whose name means "man or hero of God."
- Gadriel - angel who rules the fifth heaven.
- Galgaliel - prince angel of the sun, like Raphael.
- Galizur - great angel who rules the second heaven.
- Gamaliel - angel who takes the elect unto heaven.
- Gazardiel - angel who supervises the east.
- Geburatiel - angel prince who guards the seventh heaven.
- Guriel - angel of the zodiac sign of Leo.
- Gzrel - angel who revokes any evil decree against another in heaven.
- Hadraniel - angel who stands at the second gate in heaven; "majesty of God."
- Hadriel - guardian angel of the gates of the east wind.
- Hagith - one of the seven ruling angels of the provinces of heaven.
- Halaliel - archangel known as "the lord of karma."
- Hamaliel - angel who rules the order of virtues.
- Hamon - a great, honored, beautiful prince angel in heaven.
- Haniel - an archangel who guards the tree of life.
- Harahel - angel who oversees libraries.
- Hasdiel - angel of benevolance.
- Hasmal - fire speaking angel of the throne of God.
- Hayliel - angel prince in the seventh heaven.
- Haziel - angel whose name means "vision of God."
- Heman - angel leader of the heavenly choir, whose name means "trust."
- Hermesiel - angel who leads one of the heavenly choirs.
- Hofniel - ruling angel of the bene elohim; name means "fighter of God."
- Iaoel - an angel of the lord; angel of visions.
- Iaoth - archangel who has power to thwart demons.
- Leo - an angel who thwarts demons.
- Iofiel - archangel whose name means "beauty of God."
- Israfil - Islamic angel whose name means "the burning one."
- Jael - cherub who guards the ark of the covenant.
- Jahoel - one of the angels of the presence and chief of the seraphim.
- Jaoel - guardian angel who lives in the seventh heaven.
- Jeduthun - angel whose name means "master of howling" or chanting to God.
- Jefischa - ruling angel of the fourth hour of the night.
- Jehudiel - archangel who rules the movements of the celestial spheres.
- Jeremiel - archangel whose name means "mercy of God."
- Kabshiel - angel of grace and favor.
- Kafziel - archangel who rules the planet Saturn.
- Kakabel - angel who rules over stars and constellations.
- Kalaziel - angel who has the power to thwart demons of disease.
- Karael - angel who has the power to thwart demons.
- Kemuel - archon angel and chief of the seraphim.
- Kerubiel - prince angel of the cherubim.
- Kokabiel - prince angel of the stars.
- Kutiel - angel of water and the use of diving rods.
- Labbiel - angel whose name was changed to Raphael.
- Lahabiel - angel who protects against evil spirits.
- Lamechial - angel who thwarts deception.
- Lassuarium - angel who rules the tenth hour of the night.
- Laylah - angel who oversees and protects childbirth.
- Machidiel - angel governing the zodiac sign of Aries and the month of March.
- Marmaroth - angel who has power to thwart fate.
- Mendrion - angel who rules the seventh hour of the night.
- Metatron - one of the greatest archangels, second only to God.
- Michael - great archangel whose name means "who is as God."
- Mihr - angel of divine mercy; angel that governs September.
- Miniel - angel invoked to induce love.
- Mitatron - an angel of the third heaven.
- Morael - angel of awe that rules the months of August-September.
- Moroni - brought messages to Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism.
- Muriel - angel who rules the dominions and the month of June.
- Naaririel - great prince angel of the seventh heaven.
- Nahaliel - angel who governs running streams; "valley of God."
- Nanael - angel who governs the sciences, and philosophy.
- Narcariel - angel that rules the eighth hour of the night.
- Nasargiel - good angel with a lion head that rules hell.
- Nathanael - angel ruling over hidden things, fire and vengeance.
- Naya'il - angel of testing.
- Nelchael - angel of the schemhamphorae.
- Nuriel - angel of spellbinding power and of hail storms.
- Och - one ruling angel of the provinces of heaven.
- Omael - angel of chemistry and species perpetuation.
- Onoel - name of an archon angel...
- Ophaniel - prince angel over the ophanim.
- Ophiel - one ruling angel of the provinces of heaven and Mercury.
- Oriel - ruling angel of the tenth hour of the day.
- Orifiel - archangel over thrones, and the second hour of the day.
- Orphamiel - angel known as the "great finger of the Father."
- Osmadiel - ruling angel of the eighth hour of the day.
- Ouriel - archangel who commands demons.
- Pamyel - ruling angel of the ninth hour of night.
- Pathiel - angel whose name means "opener of God."
- Peliel - angel who rules the virtues.
- Peniel - angel who rules Friday and resides in the third heaven.
- Pesagniyah - angel who ushers prayers of grief to heaven.
- Phaleg - one of the seven ruling angels of the provinces of heaven.
- Phanuel - archangel who is an interpreter of revelations.
- Phounebiel - disease thwarting angel.
- Phul one of the seven ruling angels of the provinces of heaven.
- Pravuil - an archangel who keeps all the records of heaven.
- Pronoia - an archon angel who helped make mankind.
- Purah - angel of forgetfulness.
- Puriel - angel whose name means "the fire of God;" angel of punishment.
- Qaspiel - angel who rules the moon.
- Quabriel - ruling angel of the ninth hour of the day.
- Rachiel - ophanim angel who rules Venus and governs sexuality.
- Rachmiel - angel of mercy whose name also means the same.
- Radueriel - angel who can create other angels and oversees archives.
- Raguel - angel who watches over the behavior of angels; "friend of God."
- Rahab - angel of death, destruction, but also the sea.
- Rahatiel - angel prince of the constellations; name means "to run."
- Rahmiel - angel of mercy and love.
- Ramiel - angel who oversees visions and souls during the day of judgment.
- Raphael - great archangel whose name means "the shining one who heals."
- Rathanael - angel of the third heaven and thwarter of demons.
- Raziel - angel chief over the thrones, guarding the secrets of the universe.
- Remiel - angel who leads souls to judgment; name means "mercy of God."
- Rikbiel - angel who oversees the divine chariot; chief of wheels.
- Rizoel - angel with power to thwart demons.
- Rogziel - angel of punishment whose name means "the wrath of God."
- Ruman - angel who takes account of evil men's deeds while in hell.
- Sabaoth - archon angel of the presence.
- Sabathiel - angel or intelligence who communicates divine light.
- Sablo - angel of graciousness and protection.
- Sabrael - archangel who guards the first heaven.
- Sabrathan - ruling angel of the first hour of the night.
- Sachiel - ruling angel of Jupiter whose name means "covering of God."
- Sagnessagiel - angel who guards the fourth hall of the seventh heaven.
- Sahaqiel - angel prince of the fourth heaven.
- Salathiel - rescuing angel of Adam and Eve.
- Samkiel - angel of destruction and purifier of souls from sheol.
- Samuel - fruling angel of the first hour of the day.
- Sandalphon - giant angel whose name means "co-brother" (of Metratron).
- Saniel - ruling angel of the sixth hour of the day.
- Sarakiel - angel who rules the ministering angels.
- Sarandiel - ruling angel of the twelfth hour of the night.
- Satqiel - angel prince of the fifth heaven.
- Seraphiel - chief angel of the seraphim angels.
- Shamsiel - angel whose name means "light of day."
- Shepherd - angel of repentance.
- Shoftiel - angel whose name means "the judge of God."
- Sidqiel - angel prince of the ophanim; ruler of Venus.
- Sidriel - angel prince of the first heaven.
- Simiel - archangel.
- Sizouze - angel of prayer.
- Sophia - angel whose name means "wisdom."
- Soqedhozi - angel who weighs the merits of of men before God.
- Sorath - angel who is the spirit of the sun.
- Sorush - angel who punishes souls on judgment day.
- Soterasiel - angel whose name means "who stirs up the fire of God."
- Sraosha - angel who sets the world in motion.
- Suriel - angel of healing whose name means "God's command."
- Tagas - governing angel of singing angels.
- Tartys - ruling angel of the second hour of the night.
- Tatrasiel - great angelic prince.
- Temeluch - angel caretaker who protects newborn babies and children.
- Temperance - angel of the elixir of life.
- Theliel - angel prince of love.
- Tubiel - angel of summer.
- Tzadkiel - angel of justice and guardian of the gates of the east wind.
- Ubaviel - angel of the zodiac sign of Capricorn.
- Umabel - angel of physics and astronomy.
- Uriel - great archangel whose name means "God is my light."
- Usiel - an angel who stands before the throne of God.
- Uzziel - cherubim angel whose name means "strength of God."
- Varhmiel - ruling angel of the fourth hour of the day.
- Vequaniel - ruling angel of the third hour of the day.
- Verchiel - ruling angel of the month of July and of the zodiac sign Leo.
- Vretiel - swift in wisdom archangel responsible for recording God's deeds.
- Xathanael - the sixth angel created by God.
- Yabbashael - an angel of the earth whose name means "the mainland."
- Yefefiah - archangel who is the prince of the Torah.
- Yehudiah - benevolant angel of death.
- Yerachmiel - an archangel who rules earth.
- Yeshamiel - angel who rules the zodiac sign of Libra.
- Yofiel - angel prince of the Torah commanding 53 legions of angels.
- Zaapiel - angel punisher of wicked souls.
- Zaazenach - ruling angel of the sixth hour of the night.
- Zabkiel - angel who rules over the thrones.
- Zachariel - angel governor of Jupiter.
- Zachriel - angel who governs memories.
- Zadkeil - archangel who rules heaven and stands in the presence of God.
- Zagzagel - angel prince of the Torah and of wisdom.
- Zakzakiel - angel of the seventh heaven who records good deeds.
- Zaphiel - angel ruler of the cherubim.
- Zaphkiel - archangel whose name means "knowledge of God."
- Zarall - cherub angel who guards the ark of the covenant.
- Zazriel - angel whose name means "strength of God."
- Zehanpuryu - high ranking angel whose name means "one who sets free."
- Zerachiel - angel of the month of July and the sun.
- Zophiel - angel whose name means "God's spy."
- Zuriel - angel ruler of the principalities whose name means "my rock is God."
List of Fallen Angels
1. Abaddon - fallen angel of death whose name means "to destroy."
2. Abezethibou - one-winged Red Sea fallen angel.
3. Allocen - fallen angel who is a duke in hell.
4. Amduscias - name of the fallen angel who appears as a unicorn.
5. Amon - fallen angel who is a strong marquis over 40 legions.
6. Amy - name of a fallen angel who is a president in hell.
7. Andras - fallen angel marquis and appears raven-headed.
8. Andrealphus - fallen angel who can transform humans into birds.
9. Andromalius - fallen angel who appears as a man holding a serpent.
10. Apollyon - fallen angel of death; same as Abaddon.
11. Armaros - fallen angel who teaches the "resolving of enchantments."
12. Asmoday - fallen angel king with three heads: a bull, a ram, and a man.
13. Asmodeus - one of the most evil of fallen angels, being an archdemon.
14. Astaroth - fallen angel who is a grand duke in hell.
15. Azael - evil, fallen angel who cohabited with women.
16. Azazel - fallen angel whose name means "God strengthens."
17. Azza - fallen angel whose name means "the strong."
18. Baal - fallen angel whose name means "the lord."
19. Balam - fallen angel who looks like Asmoday with a serpent tail.
20. Balberith - fallen angel who is a grand pontiff in hell.
21. Baraqijal - fallen angel who teaches astrology.
22. Barbatos - fallen angel who is a great count, earl and duke of hell.
23. Bathin - pale horse riding fallen angel.
24. Beelzebub - fallen angel known as the "prince of demons."
25. Behemoth - fallen angel who is the "demon of the deep."
26. Beleth - fallen angel who is a terrible king over 85 legions.
27. Belial - deceptively beautiful fallen angel whose name means "without worth."
28. Belphegor - fallen angel whose name means "lord of opening."
29. Berith - fallen angel...
30. Bernael - fallen angel of darkness and evil.
31. Bifrons - fallen angel that appears monstrous and teaches mathematical arts.
32. Botis - fallen angel who appears as a viper.
33. Buer - fallen angel who teaches philosophy, logic and ethics.
34. Bune - fallen angel who appears as a dragon with three heads.
35. Caim - fallen angel who appears as a thrush or man with a sword.
36. Dantanian - fallen angel who appears as a man with many faces.
37. Decarabia - fallen angel who appears as a star in a pentacle.
38. Eligor - fallen angel who appears as a good knight with lance.
39. Enepsigos - fallen angel who appears in the shape of woman.
40. Flauros - fallen angel who appears as a leopard.
41. Focalor - fallen angel who appears as a man with griffin wings.
42. Forcas - fallen angel who teaches logic and ethics.
43. Forneus - fallen angel marquis who appears as a sea monster.
44. Furcas - fallen angel who appears as a cruel man with long beard.
45. Furfur - fallen angel who appears as a hart with a fiery tail.
46. Gaap - fallen angel who appears as a man with bat wings.
47. Gadreel - fallen angel whose name means "God is my helper."
48. Gamygyn - fallen angel who appears as a small horse.
49. Glasyalabolas - fallen angel who appears as a winged dog.
50. Gomory - fallen angel who appears as a camel riding woman of beauty.
51. Gusion - fallen angel who can discern the past, present or future.
52. Hagenti - fallen angel who appears as a bull with griffin wings.
53. Halpas - fallen angel who appears as a stork.
54. Imamiah - fallen angel who governs voyages.
55. Ipos - fallen angel who appears as an angel with a lion's head.
56. Kokabiel - fallen angel whose name means "star of God."
57. Kunopegos - fallen angel who appears as a sea horse and sinks ships.
58. Lahash - fallen angel who interferes with divine will.
59. Lerajie - fallen angel who appears as an archer in green.
60. Leviathon - fallen angel associated with the deep seas.
61. Lillith - fallen female angel who searches for children to kidnap or kill.
62. Lix Tetrax - fallen angel of the wind.
63. Lucifer - actually a Babylonian king whose name means "bearer of light."
64. Malpas - fallen angel who appears as a crow.
65. Marbas - fallen angel who appears as a lion.
66. Marchosias - fallen angel who appears as a she-wolf with griffin wings.
67. Mastema - fallen angel whose name means "hostility."
68. Mephistopheles - fallen angel; name means "he who loves not the light."
69. Morax - fallen angel who appears as a bull.
70. Naamah - fallen angel of prostitution whose name means "pleasing."
71. Naberius - fallen angel who appears as a crowing cock.
72. Obyzouth - fallen angel femal who kills newborns and cause still-births.
73. Onoskelis - female fallen angel who lives in caves and perverts men.
74. Orias - fallen angel who appears as a lion with serpent's tail.
75. Ornias - fallen angel who is annoying and can shape-shift.
76. Orobas - fallen angel who appears as a horse.
77. Ose - fallen angel who appears as a leopard and is a president in hell.
78. Paimon - fallen angel who appears as a crowned man on a camel.
79. Penemuel - fallen angel who corrupts mankind through writing.
80. Pharzuph - fallen angel of fornication and lust.
81. Phoenix - fallen angel who appears as a phoenix bird.
82. Procel - fallen angel who can speak of hidden and secret things.
83. Purah - fallen angel of forgetfulness and the conjuring of the dead.
84. Purson - fallen angel who appears as a lion-headed man on a bear.
85. Qemuel - fallen angel who was destroyed by God.
86. Rahab - fallen angel of pride whose name means "violence."
87. Raum - fallen angel who appears as a crow.
88. Ronobe - fallen angel who is a monster who teaches rhetoric and art.
89. Ruax - headache fallen angel.
90. Sabnack - fallen angel who appears as a soldier with lion's head.
91. Saleos - fallen angel who appears as a soldier on a crocodile.
92. Samael - evil fallen angel whose name means "the blind God."
93. Satan - christian fallen angel whose name means "adversary."
94. Seere - fallen angel who appears as a man on a winged horse.
95. Semyaza - fallen angel leader and one of the Sons of God.
96. Shax - fallen angel who appears as a stork; stealer of money.
97. Solas - fallen angel who appears as a raven and teaches astronomy.
98. Sorath - fallen angel to some whose number is 666.
99. Sytry - fallen angel; appears as a man with griffin wings and leopard head.
100. Uzza - fallen angel whose name means "strength."
101. Valac - fallen angel who appears as a small boy with wings on a dragon.
102. Valefor - fallen angel who appears as a many-headed lion.
103. Vapula - fallen angel who is skilled in handicrafts, science and philosophy.
104. Vassago - fallen angel who discovers all things lost or hidden.
105. Vepar - fallen angel who appears as a mermaid.
106. Vine - fallen angel and appears as a lion sitting on a black horse.
107. Vual - fallen angel who appears as a huge camel.
108. Wormwood - fallen angel who brings plagues upon the Earth.
109. Xaphan - fallen angel who fires the fires of hell.
110. Zagan - fallen angel who can transform things; looks like a bull with wings.
111. Zepar - fallen angel who makes women love men.
John Zorn's List of Angels
Jamie Saft Trio : Astaroth: Book of Angels Vol. 1
Masada String Trio : Azazel: Book Of Angels Vol. 2
Mark Feldman and Sylvie Courvoisier : Malphas: Book Of Angels Vol. 3
Koby Israelite : Orobas: Book Of Angels Vol. 4
The Cracow Klezmer Band : Balan: Book of Angels Vol.5
Uri Caine : Moloch: Book of Angels Volume 6
Marc Ribot : Asmodeus: Book of Angels Volume 7
Erik Friedlander : Volac: Book of Angels Volume 8
Secret Chiefs 3 : Xaphan: Book of Angels Volume 9
Bar Kokhba : Lucifer: Book of Angels Volume 10
Medeski, Martin and Wood : Zaebos: The Book of Angels volume 11
10.Malach ha-Sopher
Masada Quintet : Stolas: The Book of Angels Volume 12

I love the Book of Angels series, too... Stolas is the best one since Xaphan, if you ask me.
my Xaphan review:
Thanks for the posting of the lists of Angels... interesting stuff people make up.
Have a look at
An Italian.
It's your space, but the listing of angels stikes me as a waste of space and effort that could be better devoted to some of the new music coming out.
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Many thanks for that list! I actually compiled a list and possible future candidates, but having your list would have been the easier route.
Azrael is already taken (by The Nice, with Keith Emerson).
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