From what I know of their music, it has become stronger, more single-voiced. Sure, Eskelin clearly takes the lead, now very sensitive, then using short bursts of whispers, or playing long melodic phrases, alternated with solos that are really out there. But it is the total sound of this band that is intriguing and fresh : Parkins is not an accompanying pianist, quite to the contrary, she adds sounds, colors, interjections, support, contradictions, alternating between her various keyboards, and adding a real dramatic touch to the proceedings, while Jim Black does basically the same, playing in his usual rock-influenced fashion, hard-hitting, but keeping quiet too, listening and adding touches, giving a crisp yet powerful tone. Eskelin's compositions are excellent, not always easy to grasp at first, not always easy to follow, but clearly structured and it's sometimes suprising to hear the trio fall into a powerful unison melody after some long weird excursion. The compositions are great, as I said, and he varies between dramatic pieces, joyful tunes, sad moments and total despair, and it becomes intense at times and more often than not all these conflicting feelings are present in the same track, as are the various sub-styles and not yet sub-styles of jazz, with "I Should Have Known" as a nice example of this. The fact that these three players know each other quite well, is testified by the last piece, "Half A Chance", when upon first hearing, I would have bet money on it that it was a Jim Black composition, all sweet and melodic, but then with a sharp edge and a rock-ish rhythm. As if it was composed with Black and Parkins in mind. Lots of variation, lots of ideas, and still coherent. A strong feat.
Watch a YouTube clip from their DVD
© stef

Hope you get around to my favorite Hatology disc in ages:Polwechsel & John Tilbury-"Field"
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