By Eyal Hareuveni
6 Chords is one, extended 41-minutes piece, divided into six parts. Alvear
plays here clean, repetitive and short phrases while Filip adds his
fragmented, transparent sine tones to the guitar lines. At first, the sine
waves resonate gently the guitar phrases, adding a pulsating but quite
enigmatic and elusive layer that enhances the sonic envelope of the simple
guitar sounds. But as this listening experience develops and sharpens, the
presence of the transparent and delicate, vibrating sine waves becomes more
substantial and varied and not only in its time and space dimensions. The
perception of the sonic alchemy of the hypnotic guitar lines and almost
silent electronics sounds continue to echo and grow in the listener’s
With each listening this mysterious effects becomes stronger and more elaborate. With no artificial psychoactive substances you can feel these tangible-elastic sounds as multi-dimensional living entities. These meditative sounds invite the listener to dive deeper and deeper into its nuanced, liquid-like universes and explore-experience ourselves within - or embraced by - these sounds. 6 Chords is an imaginative and modest masterpiece.
Chilean contemporary-experimental guitarist Cristián Alvear and Austrian
electronics musician and developer of the ppooll software focus on quiet
and calm music, with as little as possible instrumental noises and with no
spectacular extended techniques. Alvear - who recorded in recent years
compositions of avant-garde composers as Antoine Beuger, Michael Pissaro
and Jürg Frey - and Filip - known from his work with cellist-sound artist
Noid (aka Arnold Habrel), vocalist Agnes Hvizdalek and trombonist Radu
Malfatti - performed one time together in April 2018 at the Viennese
gallery Zentrale. The Bandcamp page of the Japanese label Ftarri, that
focuses on duos recordings, does not provide any details about 6 Chords
recording date or location, but do tells that Alvear played on this
recording the acoustic guitar and Filip played sine-waves.
With each listening this mysterious effects becomes stronger and more elaborate. With no artificial psychoactive substances you can feel these tangible-elastic sounds as multi-dimensional living entities. These meditative sounds invite the listener to dive deeper and deeper into its nuanced, liquid-like universes and explore-experience ourselves within - or embraced by - these sounds. 6 Chords is an imaginative and modest masterpiece.

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