From the very first notes of this album, you know that something special is taking place. The cello of Abdul Wadud brings a repetitive theme, supported by some energetic drumming by Philip Wilson, with Hemphill and Baikida Carroll on sax and trumpet playing the main theme. After a minute or so Carroll drops away and Hemphill starts with a magical sax solo. Wadud and Wilson relentlessly continue with their hypnotic basis, sometimes only playing parts of it, yet keeping it implicitly present at all times. After about 13 minutes the piece changes and the contrapuntal interplay between the cello on the one hand and the sax and trumpet on the other hand leads to a climactic finale. "Dogon A.D." is phenomenal in the simplicity of its form and the power and creativity of its performance. "Rites", the second number, starts with strong interplay of the four band members, who quickly pursue their own lines without loosing focus of the whole. "Painter" brings Hemphill on flute. This CD is an absolute must for all jazz fans. It is unfortunately impossible to get in stores anymore, and it is very hard to understand that it was never brought out on CD. Tim Berne put the album on his website some months ago (thank you, Tim), but it has disappeared in the meantime. Luckily a colleague blogger put the link on his site, which I offer to you here : http://quandros.com/blog/dogon_ad.zip

Hey, Thanks!!
Have been searching for the Dogon A.D. for a long time!!
Share and have quite some of the titels in your list..and , what's even better..found some that I didn't know yet!!
Thanks for the link, I too was searching for this for a long time.
Nice to be able to hear it in it's splendid entirety.
thanks for sharing!
its a pitty that one of the most important musicians in progrssive jazz of last decades doesn't exist in public perception ...
Titelnummer stond gisteren op de playlist van het Vijay Iyer Trio te Gent. Schitterend concert overigens!
Flacversie (superieure kwaliteit, geen vinylrip):
I know I am awfully late with this but thanks for putting that link up. Also, I believe a reissue is being done by Phonograph.
Thanks for sharing!
Got the CD yesterday. Looking forward to listening!
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