If you like sophisticated and sober world jazz, then you will like this CD by Etienne de la Sayette, a French reed player, who also plays kaval, bamboo flute, whistle. On these thirteen duets, he is consecutively accompanied by Emmanuel Duprey on piano, N. Prévôt, S. Montagny, C. Heyman, T. Henning on conch shells, Philippe Guyard on accordion, Nicolas Talbot on bass, Korish Tabba on oud, Youval Micenmacher on tof and bendir, Florient Guibert on didjeridoo, Sylvain Gontard on flugelhorn, Otso Lahdeoja on banjo, Vincent Leguéné on congas, Azraël Tomé on mandolin and finally Cyrille Méchin on clarinet. The music is nice, excellent, rhytmic and fresh. The variety of approaches and instrumentation gives this album a wide range of musical influences too, and some interesting new try-outs (as an example, listen to "La Complainte Des Cons" below, in which the conch shells form a great rhythmic basis for the soprano to soar freely). Some music is plain European folk music from a variety of influences, but mainly from France and the Balkan. Most tracks would fall under world fusion or world jazz categories, although the musicians don't shy away from new things. The great success of de la Fayette's approach is the unpretentious approach, bringing intimacy and openness at the same time. Fans of The Paradox Trio or The Tin Hat Trio will certainly enjoy this music.
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Valse Des NuagesLa Complainte Des ConsLiti Tapa/AudreyMijnĂąn
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