freejazzblog on air, featuring free jazz blog writer Martin Schray and public radio host Julia Neupert, will broadcast on SWR2 in southern Germany at 11 p.m. Central European Time (5 p.m. in NYC) this Friday, April 9.
For those of you unable to listen when it airs, it will be available online for week following the broadcast.
The theme of the show is "Digital Edition" with music almost exclusively available on the internet (and/or as a download). It will also delve into the situations that musicians have found themselves in during the pandemic. The play list includes selections from Ignaz Schick and Oliver Steidle, Leap of Faith's PEK, Marina Kifferstein, Xenofox, and Ingrid Laubrock and Tom Rainey, among others.Link will be published here when it is available.
Listen here until April 16:

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